Is it possible to have QLab send MSC commands via the IAC Bus to Nomad?

Is it possible to have QLab send MSC commands via the IAC Bus to Nomad? I'm not sure if this is something that requires a dongle or not. I'm just looking to see if there is a way to make sure my QLab cues are working properly with EOS.

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  • IAC bus is a virtual midi bus that Apple runs that was mainly designed for routing virtual instruments and Audio Programs together in a variety of ways. We can use the same Virtual Midi Bus to route MSC and MTC between Qlab and Nomad.

    This tutorial tells you how to activate the IAC bus on a Mac:

    Once the IAC bus is activated, check your Qlab to see if IAC shows up as a Midi device.

    Now you can assign your cues to use the IAC as if it were a physical Midi port you were sending to a console.

    In Nomad, Setup your show file as if you were using a Generic Midi Device. There won't be any options to select IAC as the Device, but if your Settings for USB are correct, it will respond to the Qlab Signals properly.

    You shouldn't have to mess around with the Device and Channel Number settings too much if those are the only programs using IAC.
