Sending UDP Strings with slash at the beginning can't send

I can't send an UDP String which starts with a slash at the beginning. e.g. "/cue/1/go", is not possible,
"cue/1/go" is possible. I know that a slash at the beginning of a string means normal?  it is an OSC message.
I want to send an OSC like formated string to QLab 4 via external link of a cue. With QLab 4 it is possible
to send an OSC formatted string as a text to Port 53535 and should be recognized as an normal OSC command.
I think that will be very helpful if we can send strings with a slash at the beginning.

Appendix: The diagnose tab says that the string "/cue/1/go" is send but Wireshark says no.

Parents Reply
  • When you use the send string command to add a string to a cue number and add a / at the beginning EOS automatically assumes you want to send an OSC message and formats it as such. ETC would have to change how we determine what protocol is used for send string commands in order for your request to work.
  • This is a very minor bug which is unlikely to affect many uses, non the less has been written up and a request made for the ability to specify the protocol for executed strings: RND 0046911
  • Please read the appendix of the my first post. One problem is that EOS software send nothing when I format a string like an OSC message. I think generally there should be a difference between an "UDP String" and an "OSC Message".
    When ETC use the trick to do both things in one command, it should be well documented in the show control manual.
  • Re "Appendix: The diagnose tab says that the string "/cue/1/go" is send but Wireshark says no."

    Probably as you were only intending to do UDP string messages, the OSC address/port etc have not been set so it whilst it "sent" it as far as the diags tab is concerned it didn't get out on the wire. As the diagnostic is reporting the message higher up the processing stack before its sent it down the OSC or UDP transmission code path.