OSC paging of PSD cue list

I want to be able to scroll the PSD cue list on my puck using OSC.  I have osc working, but no combination I can find of sending arrow up/down or page up/down seems to affect the cue list.  Also, I tried recording macros that issue page up and page down keystrokes but those also don't work when fired locally or remotely.  I feel I'm missing something obvious?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the quick reply.  Still not working here.  One more wrinkle which I omitted earlier.  This is a multi-user setup.  I'm sending OSC to the primary, which is set to a different user, and I'm specifying my user in the osc address string.  I'm trying to scroll the psd on a secondary device which is set to that user....  It's a very specific, and I admit, convoluted setup, but its what we got :)
