Serial UDP and OSC not working together

I program a Arduino Yün to be a "translater" between EOS and IP-Ninjar and Helvar Router 920. I use "String UDP" to communicate with my Arduino from my EOS Apex.

My setup for String UDP (network port 1):

String TX: Enabled
String TX Source IDs: 1
String Source Name:
String TX Port: 8001
String TX IP Address:

It works fine in my testshow. I can control all my IP-Ninjar videostreams. So everything in my network-setup is ok so it send out on the right network port in back of my EOS Apex.

When I take a show and add my macro´s with all my serial commands and it use OSC TX: Enabled to control our videoserver it failes.

My setup for OSC to CueLab (network port 4):

OSC TX: Enabled
OSC UDP TX port: 53000
OSC Cue Send String:
OSC UDP TX IP Address: 1.171.4 8.121

Why can´t I send out OSC commands and UDP strings at the same time with my setup and why do OSC TX block my "String UDP"? Realy enoying... 

  • 1.171.4 8.121

    This is not a valid address for private networks, maybe this is the problem. Also have a look to your subnet setting.
    Are QLab setting ok?

  • We doublecheck the IP-address, the right IP to our videoserver is and not what I wrote from beginning.

    So IP-adress is not the problem, our subnet mask is ok. It works either with OSC or String UDP, but not togheter. That´s the main issue...

  • Would you be willing to post a showfile with this issue so that we can have a look at the various settings?  We probably only need your Macros and Show Control / Setup if you wish to create a sample show without your Magic Sheets and other proprietary content.

  • I fix it tomorrow. I can try my testshow and enable OSC, if it's same problem I post that one. No magic. :)

    I also going to sniff networkport 2 and turn on OSC-settings to see if I got my "String UDP" sending to another UDP-port when both are active.

  • Now I try my test showfile. 

    This is how my network interface protocol is setup.

    I connected a computer to port 3 and run Wireshark and sniff my network. When I have OSC TX disabled it send out "Serial UDP" and when i turned it on it stops sending "Serial UDP". It doesen´t matter if I had my extra computer connected to the consolles or not.

    I changed interface protocol to same as port 4 when I tested it with WireShark. So the picture is my normal setup for OSC and Serial UDP.

    I also try to set an IP for my OSC to my computer with Wireshark. When I turn OSX TX enabled it send a OSC-command to the computer and no "Serial UDP". OSX TX to disabled it send Serial UDP again.

    So it look like I can´t send OSC and Serial UDP in same show in this software version. Disappointed

    I email the showfile to you Matt to the email in your profile. Is there another way to upload it in the forum? Only found image and video-upload. Thinking of sprend but it is just 5 people that could download it before it stops because i´m not PRO.

  • Now I try my test showfile. 

    This is how my network interface protocol is setup.

    I connected a computer to port 3 and run Wireshark and sniff my network. When I have OSC TX disabled it send out "Serial UDP" and when i turned it on it stops sending "Serial UDP". It doesen´t matter if I had my extra computer connected to the consolles or not.

    I changed interface protocol to same as port 4 when I tested it with WireShark. So the picture is my normal setup for OSC and Serial UDP.

    I also try to set an IP for my OSC to my computer with Wireshark. When I turn OSX TX enabled it send a OSC-command to the computer and no "Serial UDP". OSX TX to disabled it send Serial UDP again.

    So it look like I can´t send OSC and Serial UDP in same show in this software version. Disappointed

    I email the showfile to you Matt to the email in your profile. Is there another way to upload it in the forum? Only found image and video-upload. Thinking of sprend but it is just 5 people that could download it before it stops because i´m not PRO.
