I know this is a long shot and that there is a ETC Show Control Gateway that allows designers to TC a show. But I recently got off a show where I programmed with GrandMA3 which has a LTC XLR input on the back of the console. I was wondering if I can do something similar.
My current set up has Audio (and Video) running from ProPresenter 7, the audio splits where the main goes to FOH A1 and then the SMPTE timecode goes to a Scarlett Solo USB through USB C. Then I go out with a 1/4 to an 1/8 jack into the ports on the back of my Ion XE 20.
I have a simple timecode track that I am running through the Scarlett solo that starts at 00:00:00:00 and runs for 1 minute. I have the settings for SMPTE Rx all enabled (that I can find). I have 5 cues that trigger at 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds. When I run the timecode file, I will swap between the three 1/8 audio jacks. Timecode never pops up in the top left window of my monitors.
If this is possible to run through the audio ports on the rear panel of the XE20, can someone give my guidance on how I am able to do it. And if what I am doing is not possible, is there any way I can run timecode to the console without having to buy the Gateway? I'd rather not run OSC because I've read that it can't really trigger cues unless it is from Qlabs. But I am running from Pro7, so I would need an audio track that runs to the console and then the XE20 does the rest using the Time Code onboard the console.
Any advice? Thanks!