How to trigger by osc "scenes" on ableton live from eos nomad?

I want to trigger the sound cues on ableton live with the lightdesk (etc nomad ion surface). I think the setup is correct but it doesn't work. Sb have experience with the combination of eos and ableton live?

Thanks for the help in advance!



Subnetmask of both Computers:

Static Ip adress of eos computer:

Ip adress of ableton computer:

Port of Ableton


Osc UDP TX Port


Command on eos:

Cue 2.6 Execute String /launch/scene "2"

  • Two things I can see at first glance:

    • Don't use port 8080, it's usually reserved for HTTP. A port that we often see being used successfully is 8001.
    • In cue 2.6: try executing /launch/scene="2" or /launch/scene=2. There is no standard way how to notate (both in documentation and the software) which part of the OSC command is the so-called address section and which is the argument. Where Ableton seems to use a space, Eos uses the equal sign.

    Does that help?

  • Two things I can see at first glance:

    • Don't use port 8080, it's usually reserved for HTTP. A port that we often see being used successfully is 8001.
    • In cue 2.6: try executing /launch/scene="2" or /launch/scene=2. There is no standard way how to notate (both in documentation and the software) which part of the OSC command is the so-called address section and which is the argument. Where Ableton seems to use a space, Eos uses the equal sign.

    Does that help?

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