I'm using EOS/Nomad with Mosaic and the OSC IO module. Unfortunately, The Mosaic IO module for OSC via UDP is v1.0 only and EOS is only v1.1 using UDP.

I'm looking for a solution to handle the /eos/out/get/cp/*/list/0/6 responses that include Booleans (v1.1 only feature). I really only care about the label in the response.

When I send /eos/get/cp/index/1 I see the /eos/out/get/cp/1/channels/list/0/11 and the /eos/out/get/cp/1/byType/list/0/2 responses but the /eos/out/get/cp/1/list/0/6 is rejected due to the Boolean fields.

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