OSC - Control X and Y focus wheel

I try to control movements on movinglight from a Raspberry Pi with OSC.

I would control the wheel function "X Focus" and "Y Focus" with OSC. Is´t possible?

I read in the manual https://www.etcconnect.com/WebDocs/Controls/EosFamilyOnlineHelp/en-us/Default.htm#32_Show_Control/08_Open_Sound_Control_(OSC)/Supported_OSC_Input/OSC_Wheel.htm?TocPath=Show%2520Control%257COpen%2520Sound%2520Control%2520(OSC)%2520%257CSupported%2520OSC%2520Input%2520%257C_____4

and can´t find anything about X Focus and Y Focus... but I found this: /eos/wheel/pan=1.0 and /eos/wheel/tilt=1.0 

Can I control PAN-wheel with OSC or is´t just outgoing OSC information? When I send it to the console and check TAB 99 I got error "OSCWheelMethod missing level argument".

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the answer. I build my own OSC-function in Raspbery Pi, so no manual needed. Just right OSC-command for my EOS to control PAN/TILT/Y FOCUS/X FOCUS..

    Tried diffrent /eos/wheel/ but it´s same error "OSCWheelMethod missing level argument" in TAB 99.

    As it says in manual /eos/wheel/2/level=1.0 get the same fault.

    I can run "/eos/cue/1/start" from my Raspberry Pi, so I knew I could send and EOS to recive my messages. 
