Echo Inspire Station > Echo Integration Interface > EOS UDP triggering?

Hi all,

I'm working on a system that originally just controlled lights in a studio space with an ETC Nomad Puck. A change order happened where they also want an Echo Inspire 2-button station to turn on some lights without having to go over to the Puck to turn lights on, since it's in a separate booth.

So the hardware of the system is currently: Echo Inspire 2-button station, Echo Integration Interface (both going to an Echo Station Bus), and ETC Puck through a Netgear network switch. The EII is also plugged into the same network the ETC Puck is.

So, how do I make it so that a button press on the Inspire station fires a Macro on the ETC Nomad? My current guess is using UDP strings, but I don't know how to capture an Inspire button press/button state into UDP and then have the Echo Integration Interface send that along/be heard by ETC Nomad, to then take the appropriate action.

I have set up in the Show Control tab in Eos an Event list with Network Type enabled. And I made sure the System Settings > Show Control > UDP Strings tab has the right port numbers and are enabled, too.

I'm also using StringTheory to monitor UDP commands and responses.

Any insights on how to make this happen? Thanks!
