Time code in cue list

In the Play Back status display is it possable to see the timcode "sempte" associated with that cue?.




Trinity Fellowship

Amarillo Tx


  • ....and also be editable. :-)
  • Good idea. We will add it to our feature list.

    Eos supports multiple time code inputs. Any suggestions on how to integrate time code from multiple sources into a cue list?


    Dennis Varian

    ETC - Technical Product Manager, Controls

  • Sure... have it default to source 1... but if you need another source... use either    YY/HH:MM:SS:FF  where Y is the source...
  • It would also seam to me that you could make it be part of a snapshot function. So when you have a time code event in your cue list the desk automatically opens a snapshot view of the time code events. If this snapshot was, say a spreadsheet  environment I think that editing would be possible. However, that may not fit into EOS since most of the 'spreadsheet' type things seem to be blind and not live functions. Editing time code events live while they are happening seems like it would be a tad tricky.
  • Yeah not so much.  I'd much rather bypass the spreadsheet view all together.
Reply Children
  • Having done MANY, MANY Timecode shows having your TC stuff anywhere other then the cuelist... is a royal pain in the ***...  Right in the cuelist, right in front of ya, simple and easy.


    When the TC info is in an event list, or a TC pool or any other place your constantly having to open another view to edit TC, Im constantly editing TC values, while needing to see cue and cue timing info.


  • That is the beauty of the Snapshot function. You can, and I am sure that you all know, a snapshot to execute with a given Q. All I was saying was that was a possible work around until there is a way to get the information into a Q view. Having done some time code shows/installs as well I understand the pain of "changing" views. But I also, as an operator/programmer, do not like a cluttered Q-list view. But that is why these consoles are so user personalize-able now, because we all roll in different ways.  To  each  his own  I  guess.
  • I would much rather have it in the cue list so as i am running the show i can see the time and not have to flip to another page to view it. There are several scenes and shows were TC is controlling the majority and i do not have the time to flip around. I feel it needs to be right there with all the cue information in the cue list