building profiles?

Anyone have any tips on building a profile for some old High End Cyberlights SV's? 
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  • Jason

     No to be too obscure, but it depends on the nature of editing.  At this time the User Value is the data stored in the cue.  This is by design to support common data between fixtures such as zoom or iris.  If you set a parameter up to be a straight 8-bit value and displayed as such, then moving the break ponit between ranges will only affect the behavior of the encoder.  If however you have modified the User Values so that they are not unigue to each range, such as rotation speeds, then it is likely you will need to update the stored values. 

     Clear as mud?


  • I understand that it wont rewrite data that has already been written into cues.  I was more worried that I might confuse the console by changing around ranges of a fixture that has already been written into cues.  And it seems that I won't, so that's good.