Scroller Calibration

Howdy, Yo

I've been waiting excitedly since August for this feature, and now that it is here, I've got some questions:

My 90 lb Eos console is way up in the Booth and my scrollers are on the Deck, therefore I am using the OLE Client in order to perform this calibration.  In order to do this, the Encoder must be set to Fine.  I've discovered that this is not possible through the OLE.  Why not?  Will it be?  I've also found that even though the Client and Master are the same user, I've been unable to do this from the Facepanel to have it register on the OLE.  Can anyone think of a workaround?  Of course I'll probably tote a couple of scrollers and a power supply up to the Booth and do it there, but it'll be a bummer.  And moving the console an even bigger bummer.

We have no shows up right now, but if we were in productions, the scrollers would be in the air and most often out of sight from the Booth.  Surely there is a way to utilize this cool new feature without having an extra person on deck relaying to you their idea of a full frame.  Will this be possible from the RFU when it gets released again? 

Once I get this accomplished, I won't want to do it again for every show, so I plan on being able save it and import it to future show files.  Where is that info stored?  Is it in Fixtures?  Patch?

Again, once I get this worked out, I will no longer have to rely on Color Palettes to manipulate frames on my scrollers, because I will have our House scrolls programmed as an Attribute to the Scroller Channel.  Each frame will be represented visually and by gel name on the Encoder (a very cool feature that I've been bragging about), and it will "calibrated" so that the frames line up.  Now how do I get that frame label to be reflected on the live screen?  When I had to use Color Palettes instead of Encoder info, I was able to use the Show Reference Labels option to display CP Labels, but it seems to only show the Absolute Data from the Encoder.  If the Encoder shows a full frame with a label, and it is not being overwritten by a CP or Preset, then certainly that info could get to the Color Parameter column.  What am I missing about this?

Thanks a Bunch,



  • If you record the calibrate button into a macro, you can use it from the OLE. [Learn 1 Calibrate] now macro 1 is the calibrate key. We'll also fix it so that the button is accessible in the virtual encoder screen as well.

    Importing just your patch will include the scroller calibrations.

    There is currently no way to display the scroller frame label within the channel display, without using palettes. It's something we are discussing doing though.

    Thanks for bringing these things up, and let us know if you are still having difficulty getting it working on the client.

    [edited by: Dan Duffy at 4:43 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jan 04 2008]
  • Thank you both for the good answers.  Some followups-

    I don't think I had a problem clicking the Calibrate button with the mouse on the OLE.  The real issue was that I had no need to Calibrate before I was able to Fine tune the frame in.  But I wonder if I could trick it into Fine mode with a Macro?...

    That's good news on the RFU.  I hope there will be a way to perform all operations on it.

    Is the Scroller Calibration info in a specific part of the Patch?  Will I benefit at all from the new Partial Load feature?  Or will all the Board Ops have to remember to load that Patch File before Patching any new show fixtures?

    I encourage your discussion on this matter.  Every Designer this season has been desperate to be able to look at the screen and see what Frame the scrollers are in, and then wishing that it would say what that frame is.  We have two sets of 26 frame scrollers.  My first solution was to make a Show File with all channels 1-400 patched as scrollers.  I then dialed each frame in and recorded 26 CP's.  This worked for a while.  No matter which scroll was used, CP 1-26 reflected Frames 1-26.  Then I became aware of the Show Reference Labels thing and foolishly shared that info.  Now I am being asked to create a discreet set of Palettes for each scroller set so that we can label them by gel names.  This means 52 CP's taking a lot of real estate on the Direct Selects for the maybe dozen frames that they end up using.  Now, I've been holding my ground since October saying, "1.3 is coming in Nov, and could be here any day.  Then we can use that cool Calibration Feature to make that Super Cool 'Build your own Scroll on the Encoder Feature' usable."  At this point though, for that feature to be usable, we'll need to put a cheat sheet in front of the Designers saying which DMX value refers to which frame.  I can guess which one they'll want.

    Thanks again for your attention,


    [edited by: BSmith at 10:39 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jan 03 2008]
  • Oh yeah- another thing-

    When I calibrate, does it effect the scroller (every scroller of that type and attribute), or the channel (just that specific scroller head)? 

    All of our scroller heads have the same deviation.  Can I just patch one each of our two types into two channels and go from there, assuming the calibration will follow the scrollers?  Or do I need to do another dummy patch with virtual scrollers patched into every channel?

  • I am in a similar situation, we are using 132 scrollers with 10 different custom scrolls and have gone down the colour palette route as we wanted a fast and reliable way on viewing colours on the screen. With Obsession we had a printed cheat sheet to refer colours to frame numbers but you could never find a sheet when you needed it. The present set up works well but I live in fear of the day when we change the scroller colours and the amount of work involved in re-organising the direct selects.  The scroller calibration looks likea great feature but I would not want to lose the colour lable on the screen so I too would welcome some way of seeing this information on the screen.
  • Is the Scroller Calibration info in a specific part of the Patch?  Will I benefit at all from the new Partial Load feature?  Or will all the Board Ops have to remember to load that Patch File before Patching any new show fixtures?

    When I calibrate, does it effect the scroller (every scroller of that type and attribute), or the channel (just that specific scroller head)? 

    All of our scroller heads have the same deviation.  Can I just patch one each of our two types into two channels and go from there, assuming the calibration will follow the scrollers?  Or do I need to do another dummy patch with virtual scrollers patched into every channel?

     How do you guys envision this feature?  Was it made to deal with a single aberrant scroller or two on a show by show basis, or was it developed as a permanent one time solution for people who use the same scrollers on many different shows.  I wonder if I am just looking at this wrong, trying to do something it wasn't designed for.

    I would also like to reiterate my desire for some encoder label info on the Live screen.

    Thanks all,



  • Brent... sorry, this one slipped through the cracks.

     The calibration is scroller specific.  So, if you calibrate one instance of a scroll, it has no impact on other instances (answering the "aberrant scroller" question).  If all of your scrollers have the same behavior, you can calibrate the first and then copy that channel part to other channels and the calibration is also copied.  

    It would probably make sense for you all to start out with a "base" showfile, that has all of your scrollers patched to some channel.  If you have a rep plot, this works pretty well.  As you then move them around, the calibration information moves as well.  If you don't have a rep plot, it might be cleanest if you have a holding bin for them in higher numbered channels. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • Hi there

    I have to agree with everyone else, showing colour info for scrolls on the live display would be well wicked and useful, especially as there is the feature to build your own scrolls.

    For those of you who are programming shows with lots of scrollers with different strings (eg: 130 scr's w/ 10 different types of strings), one possibilty could be to record each frame in to the colour pallet with the same gel number (eg: Lee200 = CP200, Rosco 78 = CP78).  That would make it easier to remember numbers so you don't have to rely on pages of direct selects.  If there are any double-ups in numbers (eg: L026 and R26) just record one of them as CP26.1

    If you wanted you CP's to be in the same order as the frames (eg: CP1 = Frame 1, CP2 = Frame 2, etc) and using the example of 10 strings with each string containing 26 frames, you could record these as CP 1 >26 for the first set, CP 101 > 126 for the second set, etc.  Not sure if you can record above CP1000 so that may not work in that example.  Another idea would be CP 1.1 > 1.26 for the first type of sting, CP 2.1 > 2.26 for the second string and so on.  (you may need to record them actually as CP 1.01 > 1.26...not too sure)

    All in all, the above ideas mean you can give each frame individual labels, and it should (hopefully) be a bit easier to remember the CP #'s and not have to rely on direct selects.  If you did use the example of CP1.01 > CP1.26 etc you could write 10 macros that are "CP1." "CP2." etc which may speed up things slightly, then all you'd have to do is enter the frame number. 

    Just some food for thought.  Hope it's of some use



  • Hi there

    I have to agree with everyone else, showing colour info for scrolls on the live display would be well wicked and useful, especially as there is the feature to build your own scrolls.

    For those of you who are programming shows with lots of scrollers with different strings (eg: 130 scr's w/ 10 different types of strings), one possibilty could be to record each frame in to the colour pallet with the same gel number (eg: Lee200 = CP200, Rosco 78 = CP78).  That would make it easier to remember numbers so you don't have to rely on pages of direct selects.  If there are any double-ups in numbers (eg: L026 and R26) just record one of them as CP26.1

    If you wanted you CP's to be in the same order as the frames (eg: CP1 = Frame 1, CP2 = Frame 2, etc) and using the example of 10 strings with each string containing 26 frames, you could record these as CP 1 >26 for the first set, CP 101 > 126 for the second set, etc.  Not sure if you can record above CP1000 so that may not work in that example.  Another idea would be CP 1.1 > 1.26 for the first type of sting, CP 2.1 > 2.26 for the second string and so on.  (you may need to record them actually as CP 1.01 > 1.26...not too sure)

    All in all, the above ideas mean you can give each frame individual labels, and it should (hopefully) be a bit easier to remember the CP #'s and not have to rely on direct selects.  If you did use the example of CP1.01 > CP1.26 etc you could write 10 macros that are "CP1." "CP2." etc which may speed up things slightly, then all you'd have to do is enter the frame number. 

    Just some food for thought.  Hope it's of some use



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