1.3 Manuals

Hi All,

Could there be available a version of the current manual PDFs that have only the changes and updates.  I have several reams of paper invested in now obsolete editions.  It would also aid in absorbing the new knowledge.

Also, an old former ex-favorite console of mine had its entire manual on board in the Help Screen.  I found it exceedingly useful.

Just a thought or two...



Parents Reply Children
  • Happy New Year to you too!  Funny... you are a funny guy!

     Well, here's the plan.  We are releasing 1.3.1 late Jan/early Feb.  This supports the 2x20 Universal Fader wing, changes to the RFR, addresses some display things we've been meaning to get to for a while, and fixes some bugs.    We will put out a list of what will be in it shortly.    We are in planning for 1.4 even as we speak.    When we get a little further along and have some confidence about a projected date and feature set, we will post it here so you all know what to expect.  

    Take care!

