Patching issue?

So, I'm patching my first show in v1.3,  from my Instrument Schedule on the RVI using keyboard shortcuts, using [Channel] at [Address] format.

When I attempt to add a dimmer to an already patched channel, rather than adding the new dimmer, it REPLACES the previous dimmer with the new one.  We have to use [Channel] at [Address] + [Address] format...

I don't recall running into this in 1.2 and I hope it isn't intentional!


Craig Bradshaw, Master Electrician

The Village Theatre

Issaquah WA

  • Try using the Part key this will allow (when patching in channels mode) to add mulitple address to a channel. If you want to quickly patch multiple dimmers to a single channel I would recomend doing that in the Address screen of the patching window to do this goto [DISPLAY, PATCH, HIT FORMAT] the consoloe will then default to selecting addresses instead of channels alloing you to select multiples, and when @ is hit it will then patch to that channel.

     Hope this helps,


  • Hey Craig.  Patching in channel mode has always replaced data, unless you define a new part.  We've had an awful lot of discussion about this.  It has been suggested that we add a dialogue box if you patch to a channel that already has a DMX address asking if you want to replace or add.  This seems a bit cumbersome.   As David said, you can use the part key to add to a channel.  

     If you don't want to bother with that, you can patch by address.  Use the format key to change to patch by address, or from the patch by channel display, you can press [Address] [n] [at] [y] [Enter] to patch address n to channel y.  That command ALWAYS adds to what is already there.

     I find that, if you are patching conventionals from existing paperwork, it is easiest to work in patch by address and then go to patch by channel for moving lights..... 

    Anyway, now that we've opened the discussion.... opinions, you all?
