Channel About

There were a couple things about About that I was noticing today.  When you have a single channel or multiple channels selected and push Edit Patch, Eos takes you Patch but does not bring up the channel selection that you were just calling up.

When you have more than one channel selected and use About could it specify that you have more than one channel or type selected?  Right now it only displays the first channel you selected, even though you have more than that one.

  • Ah, interesting.  I know why it is doing the first (we deliberately don't keep channel selection when changing modes).... but in the instance of accessing patch via about it should.

     It's always been an interesting question for us with About and multiple channels selected.  We've never been able to quite figure out what it should do.  Would you expect the About display to just list the channels but show you detail on the first?  Should it only show the detail when you have only one channel selected?    (good time to talk about this as 1.4 will have a major rework to About).


  • I think if it said Multiple Fixtures Selected and as a bonus, what type of fixtures were selected.  Extra bonus for the channel numbers selected.  Detail when only a single channel is selected like you said.
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