ION Scrolling/Zooming Issue

Don't know if this was on purpose or not, but I thought I would ask about it here.


When I have the main channel level window selected (The command line outlined in yellow), and my mouse cursor is on the Tombstone display, the channels zoom in and out (the equivalent of pressing and holding format and running the rate wheel up and down) when I roll the scroll wheel on the mouse.

However, when that main channel level window is selected and my mouse cursor is on my other screen, the channel display scrolls when I roll the scroll wheel on the mouse.

 Like I said, I do not know if this was intentional or not, but it seems kinda weird.  It should at the least be consistent.  Ideally the scroll wheel would not do anything to a window that it was not in.....


  • Hmmm.... will look into it.  I know why it's doing it.  But it shouldn't.  It's a side effect of not having "tabs" on Ion.  So the idea of what screen is "in focus" is a little lost.  Will clean it up.



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to Anne Valentino

    Not to trump what Anne said, but the behavior you are seeing is exactly as was intended...which doesn't mean it is good behavior.  It was our way of having the mouse wheel do more than one function...zooming and paging.  When the cursor is over the display, the mouse wheel moves into zooming mode when outside of that display it will page. 

    It is a similar function in Eos, but the wheel will effect the display that currently has focus.  

    With all that being said, you aren't the first person to express concern over the behavior, so I am sure Anne and I will talk and come up with a better behavior scheme for these functions using the mouse.



  • Can we get tabs in the ION? And, on this display topic, is the DATA key on the ION serving the same function as the PERAMS key on the EOS?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to usesafesets

    I cannot answer the first question (that's for Anne)...

    The second question, the DATA key, while revealing the absolute values of parameters, it also lets the user change parameters being shown in a display...just like the PARAMS key on Eos.  The reason we have the PARAMS key on Eos is to have a button for that function right next to the CIA area.  We combined that functionality into the DATA key on Ion (and in Eos) to save space on the Ion console.


  • Can I ask why you need tabs?  Just curious.  I work back and forth on both desks and find it doesn't bother me not to have them.... so was curious?



  • For me it is nice to be able to use tabs to change screens quickly. Also I think that it could cause some problem/confusion it the show is programmed on an EOS and the toured on and ION. Just my two cents.
  • Hmmm.....interesting.  Well, let's see how it progresses.  I find that the only time I use [Tab] + [a number] to open a view is for Patch.  Other than that, almost all  of the views can be opened by double hitting the record target button, so that's how I generally switch displays (that's just me though).  

     Maybe it's a matter of adjustment?   Keep thinking about it and and let us know if its still bothering you in a month or so??

     Thanks much for the input.
