Fire effect

So my LD wants a fire effect with various levels.  So I built a few fire effects that he likes, the problem is that I run the first effect in a que.  and the next effect in the next que.  But the effect starts as a bump while the first effect shuts off and the next one starts.  Any thoughts??? Thanks in advance.
  • Hi Ryan

    Do the two effects you have in two subsequent cues control the same channels?  I've had similar problems recently with chase effects.  The reason for this is that you can only apply one effect at a time to a channel paramater.  As a result, if you have different effects in two consecutive cues and both effects have some common channels, the first effect will snap off, and the second will snap on.

    For the time, I'd suggest using one effect for the fire.  I guess you could try building a second cue list with a loop commands and build the levels that way and then a second subroutine....but that sounds really smeggy and dull.

     Hope that helps


  • Does anybody know if you can run an intensity level and an effect at the same time? 

    I would love to run just 1 effect but he wants small fire to start then big fire at the end.  Yes both effects are running the same channels just at a different level.  I told the Ld this isn't available yet with the Eos, but you know he didn't like that answer.  We (Mike & I) have a few ideas we are going to try.  First I think if I bring the channnels to 50 in part 1of the cue then part 2 will start the effect and take over intensity.  Not sure if it will work but next time we go back to that show I'm gonna try it.  Or I guess the other answer would be to add a few lights and channels and run 2 seperate effects on to 2 different sets of fire lights.

    Thanks for the info.

  • Hi Ryan

     It is possible to have an intensity level with an effect running over the top of it.  I'm not entirely sure, but the effect may over-ride the intensity level and use the "OffState" from the effect rather than the underlying level.  It's something you might just need to have a play around with.

    Also, a bug I picked up on that I'm told will be fixed in v1.3.1 is the Entry and Exit times from the effect don't work unless there is a value greater than 0 in the Entry time.  eg: if you have an entry time of 0 and an exit time of 5, the effect will snap in AND snap out.  If you need the effect to snap in, just put an entry time of 0.01 and the problem seems to go away.

     Hope this helps


  • Ryan, by small and big fire, do you mean brighter?  If so, you can write a linear effect that creates a fire.  Because this is relative to the starting intensity value, you will get a dim fire. You can then fade the intensity higher, and get a brighter fire.  Is that what you mean?

     Also, relative effects will continue to run until they time out or you stop them. So it is possible to change the background value at any time.  Absolute effects and step based effects will run until they time out or you give the channel a new instruction for that parameter.  

    In a step based effect (and this is actually a question someone else asked), you can have the on or off value in a step be the background level coming from the cue by selecting the on/off field at press [at] [Enter].

    Hope this helps?? 

    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 12:38 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 28 2008]
  • Anne I do mean brighter fire  in the second part of the que.  I'll have to try a linear effect, I didn't think that would work for a flicker though.  Guess i'll have to try it tommorow when we switch back to that show.  But it sounds like if that doesn't work that I can just put the chan. into a sub and run the level up when I need to.



  • Well, give the linear effect a shot... you might think about keeping the cycle time short, so it will move through the pattern quickly.  Let us know how it works for you.  

     Looks like its time to launch our "create the best effect, which we will turn into a new canned effect and win cool Eos swag" contest.


    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 4:32 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 29 2008]
  • "create the best effect, which we will turn into a new canned effect and wing cool Eos swag"

     Can I retroactively enter an effect into the contest?  Are there extra points involved for making the console bleed?



Reply Children
  • "Can you retroactively enter an effect?"  Matt.... who knew you were such a boy scout?!!  Like we would know!  :-)  But your integrity and sense of fair play are very much appreciated - so of course you can! 

     Let's see.  The extra point system for causing the console to bleed (yuk), when:

    In a performance with paying audience = .5 points (but an honorable mention for pain and suffering).  If you retrieve the log file and send it to us = 2.5 points. 

    In a tech or dress = 1 point.  If you retrieve the log file and send it to us = 1 point (doesn't require as much presence of mind as the first scenario).

    In a focus call = 1.5 points. If you send us the log file = .5

    In your studio = 2 points.  If you send us the log file = .5

     You can see that there is incentive to not kill the desk when it really matters....but an appreciation for the stress it can cause. 

    So, now I suppose I'd better go figure out the scoring method and reward!  Back soon.  (It's is worth pointing out now that effects copied from other consoles --- even if they are our own consoles --- are not eligible...... Oskar).



    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 4:48 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 29 2008] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 4:46 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 29 2008] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 4:44 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 29 2008] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 4:43 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 29 2008]
  • I'd like to be retroactively credited points for "Ray"


    In all seriousness though, if we, wait, if Duffy... Can get some of the flicker effects that are in the Unison Effect container?  Would work great for flame flicker effects.







  • You are most certainly on the black side of the balance sheet!  This was actually discussed last week.  There are some effects from Unison and Smart Fade ML that we are going to move in.  

    We've seen some show files with some pretty cool effect concepts though.  So we do want to find a way to get those in as well .... if people like the idea of having their ideas shared in that way!!

