Ghost in the Machine

Hi There

I've been having a problem with saving my show.  In one cue, the shutter-strobe in the 8 studio spots is ment to have a DMX value of 87.  Several cues later, this value changes to 78 (as it is suppose to).  In one of the cues in between, this value changes to 255 - meaning the strobing stops.

I have changes this value to track 4 times now.  After each time I have saved the show.  For some reason this value keeps re-appering.  The first couple of time could have been an error on my behalf, however this problem has happened twice now.  Most recently, this happened on last nights performance.  For the 5 performances prior to this, there has been no problem.

Any thoughts about what might be causing this and how to rectify this problem would be muchly appreciated.


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  • Great minds think alike... Did that prior to last nights show and it seemed to fix the problem (for now).  Also saved the show as a different file and did a deep clear.

    All went well last night.  Hopefully it will continue to behave.  I'm still bewildered how the value keeps changing itself in blind though.  It is suppose to be a tracked value, yet it keeps magically inserting a move instruction to 255.  I get worried when machines start thinking they're the lighting deisgner - I'm sure it's not suppose to be like that :)

    Thanks for the advice!


  • Brent... has this problem resurfaced?  Can you email me that show file, along with an indication of  the cues/channels in question?   You should not have to place a hard value on these parameters to keep them where you need them.  i have an idea of what might be happening, though.  Can you send it to

    Thanks much!



  • Hi Anne

    Just got your post.  I have left the hard value in place and the problem has not resurfaced.  Access to the internet has been a bit scarce for the last week or so.  I'll get the show file and relevent info together and send it through to you sometime this week.


  • Outstanding.  Look forward to getting it.  Very curious behavior.

    Thanks so much!

