EOS Offline and WYSIWYG?


I am new to EOS and whilst taking first steps with the Offline editor I am wondering if there is a way (trick???)  to "connect" the offliner to WYG (via ETCNet2 ? but as being "offline" ...? ) - or if there are plans to make EOS available as "Device" in WYSIWYG in the nearer future ?

Very best wishes (and a big hello to Anne :-)



Parents Reply Children
  • When running on separate devices (either an Eos or the EOL on a PC) to a computer with WYG, all you should need to do is connect them with a cat 5 cable, set the IP addresses within the same range.  The first three numbers of the IP address need to be the same.  The last three can be from 000 to 255.  I usually just set the IP address of each device with the same number, except increment the last digit.

     WYG used to automatically hear EDMX (Net2).  You may have to do something now to get it to hear it.  We don't have a current copy of WYG in the lab, so kinda hard to know for sure.  (On Capture, for example, sometimes you have to go to "universes" and click on each output to get it to connect - WYG might have the same thing....). 

    Let us know how it goes.    


  • OK, I'm using 2 PCs on our office network - one is running WYG, the other Eos offline. They are both on the same subnet (192.168.0) and can both see each other both by IP address and computer name. I've started Eos in offline mode and have added ETCNet2 EDMX into the WYG device manager, but it won't connect (message: Could not connect the following consoles: ETCNet2 EDMX). In the properties 'Address' field I've tried both the IP address and the computer name of the Eos PC, which corresponds with the Device Name in the General tab of the ETC EOS shell. I've also tried running both Eos offline and WYG on the same PC, but the same 'Could not connect' message occurs.

    Do I need to do anything specific in the Eos configuration or patch? Do any ports need opening up in the Windows firewall?



  • Hi David-

    There is no need to connect it in the Device Manager - you simply need to allow EDMX reception (v4) in Wyg | Options | Application Options | ETC Interface.

    If that doesn't work, give us a call - it could be a firewall problem, but this will usually fix it.


    020 8896 1000

  • Great - that works fine - thanks very much :)

