Update NIP's to track and intensity Cue only

Is there a simple way to track Nip's and cue only intensity?

Right now i hit all NP's and update track, then update cue only. 

If this is the only way to handle an update i suggest some sort of syntax to simplify the process.

Parents Reply
  • that would be brillant.

    two thoughts though:
    -can i assume, that in Setup > Desk > Record Defaults (right column) the new modifier would get its own box for an Update default setting?
    -when you add a modifier Intensity Cue Only, then this is something that has an effect in Tracking Mode only, because in Cue Only mode, Intensity is already Cue Only. so if for Delete/Copy/Move/Record-reasons (basically everything but Update) i want to stay in Cue Only mode, then this new modifier has no effect. so i'm not sure, if for this new thing to help a lot of people, it should either be an additional third mode (tracking, cueonly, ICONIT(int cue only nonInt tracking) ), or there should be two new modifier tiles: "ICO" and "NIT". i guess the latter would be easier to implement and still help people working in tracking as well as in cueOnly mode...

    greetings from the CueOnly-Continent ;)
