Encoders in Blind

Just out of curiosity is there a way to disable encoder wheels while in blind preview?  A couple of times I have gotten myself into trouble by trying to pan a ML onstage, but have been in blind and have changed the value stored in the cue.

I am now alot more careful about checking I am in live before touching the encoders, but is there a way to disable this function.  I'm not saying there is no use for this feature, however I never really find the need to use encoders in blind as you can't see how it's affecting the output, and usually if I am changing the value on a ML, it will be instructing it to goto a CP, BP, FP, etc


  • Brent, right now, you can lock out the encoders, but you'd be locking them out in both live and blind.  To disable, press [Clear] + any of the encoder paging keys.  You will see the encoder display go blank.  To enable, just press any encoder page key.  

    We haven't yet discussed having this apply to blind only.  A similar request has come in about the level wheel,though.



  • I would agree with Brent, I don't think I'd ever need the encoders in Blind, but a toggle on/off option in setup would be nice. The same goes for the wheel.


    Whilst on the subject of Blind, although not encoder related I have a couple of points. I'm sure the Strand folk out there have already enquired about this, but is there/could there be an option to have the Blind Cue display stay in the last viewed Cue, even when going between Blind and Live. I spend a lot of time flicking between Blind and Live tidying up earlier sections of the Cuelist whilst still doing mods on the Live state. Having to re-select the Cue I was working on every time I go back into Blind is very boring. I don't think this is currently possible, but I'd love to be corrected.


    Also, I know there is hot debate at the moment about screen backgound colours in Blind displays, and I did have a good chat to Luke about this, so here's my opinion. Currently I think a lot of people are agreed that there is not enough visual clarity between Blind and Live displays. The discussion we had went along the line that there are so many 'Blind' displays as well as the Blind Cue screen, which ones should be in a different colour?

    My thoughts are simple, if I am in a mode where what I change will be recorded automatically I want to know about it! As Palette and Preset displays etc are effectively Blind displays maybe it's easier to change the Live display background??

    Looking forward to seeing if/how this changes in 1.4. 

  • I would agree with Brent, I don't think I'd ever need the encoders in Blind, but a toggle on/off option in setup would be nice. The same goes for the wheel.


    Whilst on the subject of Blind, although not encoder related I have a couple of points. I'm sure the Strand folk out there have already enquired about this, but is there/could there be an option to have the Blind Cue display stay in the last viewed Cue, even when going between Blind and Live. I spend a lot of time flicking between Blind and Live tidying up earlier sections of the Cuelist whilst still doing mods on the Live state. Having to re-select the Cue I was working on every time I go back into Blind is very boring. I don't think this is currently possible, but I'd love to be corrected.


    Also, I know there is hot debate at the moment about screen backgound colours in Blind displays, and I did have a good chat to Luke about this, so here's my opinion. Currently I think a lot of people are agreed that there is not enough visual clarity between Blind and Live displays. The discussion we had went along the line that there are so many 'Blind' displays as well as the Blind Cue screen, which ones should be in a different colour?

    My thoughts are simple, if I am in a mode where what I change will be recorded automatically I want to know about it! As Palette and Preset displays etc are effectively Blind displays maybe it's easier to change the Live display background??

    Looking forward to seeing if/how this changes in 1.4. 

  • Graham, we are adding an option in 1.4 to de-couple the blind selected cue from the live selected cue.   By default, they will be synchronized.  Also in 1.4 the background color for the blind display is lighter than live.  The command line in blind will also be blue, rather than white.  We hope this will help.  This background change is only for the blind display accessed from the "blind" button.  All of the other blind mode displays are unchanged.

    Hope this helps.   Thanks!


  • Having the option to de-couple the live and blind cue sounds fantastic.  I look forward to seeing that come into action!

    On the subject of display shinanigans, is there a way to view the last screen you were in - essentially performing the "Last Screen" command on a Strand console.  The reason I ask is that I found it a very useful button to have.  That way you can be working on a cue blind, flick to live, run a couple of cues, make an update in live, then press last screen to be back at the cue you were last editing.  I'd usually run the console so that blind would follow live (same way as the eos currently works).  Essentially the button gave you the option to display the last cue that was being edited by pressing [last scrn] or if you wanted to see the current cue, you can just press [preview/blind].  Less keystrokes, quicker to get to the screen you want.

    I also found it useful generally for the same reason - you could be in a display that takes 3 to 5 keystrokes to get to.  The LD calls for a channel level to change, so you press [live].  Once done, the single button takes you back to the last display that was being viewed with one keystoke instead of 3 or 5.

    To cut a long story short (too late) it's a feature that I'd be quite happy to see if it was to appear on eos/ion.  I'd be interested to see other peoples ideas/thoughts

