Effects in Blind

G'day.  After recently discovering I can edit effect Rate, Axis, etc in Blind cue display (yay!) I was trying to scroll through cues to check there were no changes to the rate of a particular effect.  I noticed however, that if by pressing [next] or [last] while in blind and looking at the effect status, the console enters the next effect number into the command line.  What this means is to scroll through the cuelist, you have to exit the status window, scroll to next cue, re-enter status window.  Repeat for each cue.

Is there a way to scroll through cues while remaining in the effect status window while in blind?


  • Brent, the next/last keys should still be advancing your cues, not your effects.   It's interesting that its happening this way.... and I actually can see why (next/last generally advance the "topic".... and since you have "focus" on the effects status window, the desk is assuming effects as its "topic"), but its wrong....  will get on the list to address....


  • Hi Brent, I tried this out and I think you may be  using the syntax [cue 1 Effect] in blind, as a way to open the effect status. This works, but if you press [next /last] it will next/last through the available effects (which isn't very helpful). If you want to look at your effects in blind, use the effect status window [Displays] [EffectStatus]. Then, from an empty command line, you can use next/last to change your cue.

  • Hi Brent, I tried this out and I think you may be  using the syntax [cue 1 Effect] in blind, as a way to open the effect status. This works, but if you press [next /last] it will next/last through the available effects (which isn't very helpful). If you want to look at your effects in blind, use the effect status window [Displays] [EffectStatus]. Then, from an empty command line, you can use next/last to change your cue.
