EOS offline vs. ION offline

I have an Ion console and since the Radio Remote hasnt come yet, I have been using the client version of the software quite a bit. I have discovered a couple of things I wanted to ask about.

1) In Eos client, I find it quite useful to have the tabs. Every time I open patch, or the virtual encoders, it creates a new tab that I can jump back and forth between windws. Ion client doesnt have that. Any particular reason why?

2) In the 1.3.1 new version of Eos offline you can open up an encoder page and get the actual encoders! This is awesome! How do I get the focus encoder for pan and tilt? It seems to be the one encoder left off of the keyboard shortcuts. Is there a different way to use pan and tilt?


  • Hi Brian...

    For your first question, tabs only exist on Eos...it is a feature of that product.  At some point (when I have a little free time) I'll be implementing floating windows for both Eos and Ion offline, which will give you more flexibility when using those editors...and give you the ability to have the two full displays as if you had two monitors on the Ion console.  That will also give the user the ability to open up items like the virtual keyboard or encoder display in a separate pop-up window.  I can't promise a time for when that would be implemented, but I don't think I'll be able to get those changes into 1.4. 

    The second question...I would consider that an oversight on my part.  I'll remedy the situation in the 1.4 code so that you can actually access everything properly for Ion and Eos in all modes.  The actual virtual encoder control added to that display late 1.3.1...we will probably be making some adjustments to how that control is used in the future since using making circles with your mouse isn't exactly the most efficient way of using that sort of functionality (but it works great for a touch screen!).

