Linking Multiple Cue Lists

So I'm not the sharpest tack in the pack, but I'm programming for a dance rental here at PTC: 3 seperate cue lists.  At the end of each cue list I wrote a dummy cue that links to the top of the next cue list and follows in zero.  Is there a more, I don't know, elegant way to link up multiple cue lists?...maybe with the Execute command? 

  • I'm sure there are several ways you could do this.  The execute command is one way, and if I were in your shoes, quite possibly the way I'd go about it.

    I guess it depends on how you want to operate the show.  Do you just want to be pressing the one go button, or utilise 3 of the go / stop buttons.

    If you want just one go button, then I'd use the link command to link between lists.  For example Q 1/13 is your final cue (and is a blackout) and the next cue you want onstage when you press GO is Q 2/1, then link 1/13 to 2/1

    If you want to usilise the multiple playlists on seperate playback faders, then I would think the execute command would be the way to go around it.

    Hope that helps


  • As Brent's post said, the main difference between the two choices of using the linking the cue, or using the execute command, is that link loads it on the playback that fired the current cue, but execute fires the cue on a different playback.

  • Cheers, Brent & Dan.  My dummy cues with Follow 0 are redundant and three sets of playback controls would confuse a different op.  Link keeps it all on the master Go, at least when running the show. 
