client screen format

Hello all, just finished queing my second show with the EOS and am loving it, save for...

As I sit in the house at level set, q2q etc, my active playback screen is my most import one. and very important on that screen is the que label.  I know, I know, the rock and roll guys don't care about the que's label but us theatre types do...hard to remember just what q 126.7 is without the label. Unfortunately, on my laptop I can only see the first 3 letters of the label. Now, some of my collegues and I think that the label should appear BEFORE all the flag info and just after the timing info.  Another says to ask that the screen layout be user configurable (something that I think would be way too difficult for the programmers to do).  anyhow... what do other theatre-type users think??

  • This was a problem for us on our first show, which we got round by hooking up an external monitor to  the laptop with a higher resolution. At least we could then see all the text on the Q label. I would agree though, that being able to configure this screen layout would be great. This was one of our LD's biggest gripes which I have been meaning to pass on.

    I do believe this is a well recognised debate and may even be being addressed in the eagerly awaited 1.4??

    Here's hoping. :-)

  • We will be providing configurability of the PSD at some point (it isn't going to be in 1.4.... sorry).  We've organized the data on that screen in a bunch of different ways..... and haven't yet found the magic combo.  So.... we will do some level of user configuration.   We are typically pretty careful putting in configuration options - especially for those things that impact the designer as much as the programmer.

    But, this seems pretty inescapable... :-)


  • I suppose the easiest thing to do is organize the info into blocks that could be 'checked' or 'unchecked' as to whether you want them in a configuration screen. I understand that adding a higher resolution exterior monitor is a solution, but I kind of balk at outlaying another couple of $hundred  just so I can see that field. As an old fortran and cobol programmer I understand the problems of prioritizing screen real-estate. Also there is the issue of whether to program to the lowest common denominator of hardware or go for the gusto. It's just my preference that the 'description' field of any row be close to the left hand side of the screen.