Patch display on RFR

Where the Patch screen on the RFR shows a selected channel's address, there appear to be a couple of problems:

1) The address is shown in EDMX format; e.g. channel 201 is patched as 2/201, but shows on the RFR  as Add: 713 - is there any way of displaying this in DMX format?

2) The Add: field only shows the first 3 digits of the address. So, for example, channel 117 is address 4/7 (1543); the address is shown on the RFR as '154'

3) Selecting channel 84 (VL1000_AS) shows a spurious '-1404' below the address. Selecting channel 91 (VL2000S) shows '-1143'. Channels of the same fixture type show a different number, offset by the number of channels in the fixture. e.g. 92 (VL2000S) shows '-1126'; 17 away from channel 91.

4) Is there any way of setting / viewing addresses of channel parts other than 1 from the RFR?

 Otherwise the RFR is looking really good, and well worth the wait; it is going to be extremely useful for us. In the future will it allow access to palettes and direct control of selected channels' NPs? For rig-check of RGB fixtures in particular which need more than just Intensity to light up, and also to functionally check-out moving lights from the stage.

  • Today was the first day with the remote and it works very well. I have noticed some of the same things that you have.


    1) My remote displays in DMX format, that is without universe number. Perhaps you have your console set to display the universe / address format.


    3) I have VL1000AS as well, and on my remote the "-1143" numbers below the address correpsond with the end of the range of addresses that the fixture is patched to.


    Yes a longer address field that can display a 4 digit address and the ability to view all the parts of a channel are needed. In addition I would like to be able to view patch by address and see what channel an address is patched to.

    Curiously, when the unit is first turned on, it dispays a flashing empty battery indicator and then after a few minutes it changes to a battery full indicator.

    Tim Wilson

    America Conservatory Theater

  • Today was the first day with the remote and it works very well. I have noticed some of the same things that you have.


    1) My remote displays in DMX format, that is without universe number. Perhaps you have your console set to display the universe / address format.


    3) I have VL1000AS as well, and on my remote the "-1143" numbers below the address correpsond with the end of the range of addresses that the fixture is patched to.


    Yes a longer address field that can display a 4 digit address and the ability to view all the parts of a channel are needed. In addition I would like to be able to view patch by address and see what channel an address is patched to.

    Curiously, when the unit is first turned on, it dispays a flashing empty battery indicator and then after a few minutes it changes to a battery full indicator.

    Tim Wilson

    America Conservatory Theater

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to Tim Wilson

    We will be making a number of improvements in the RFR interface in future releases.  I believe all the concerns stated here are on our list to address. 

    The battery indicator has been a work in progress.  We will have that working much more accurately in the 1.4 release.

    Thanks for all the feedback.   

