Auto Blocking

On the ION is there a way to diferenciate between a cue that has been auto blocked by the desk, between a cue that has only some channels blocked? As far as I can tell they are both noted by a small 'b'.

On the same note there are times that I like and want to use decreet channel timing. But I cannot find a way to view what the descreet timing for channels are unless I am active in the cue and hole the time key (I think). Any tips?

  • G'day

    As far as I'm aware with discreet timing, the only way to view discreet timing is to press and hold the [time] key.  If you want to see discreet timing for a channel in a Q that is not active, you can press and hold [time] in blind.

    Hope that helps.

  • Thanks Brent for the reply.  Ben, there is no differentiator in the flags field of a cue between a cue that has auto-blocks or manually placed blocks.  The lower case 'b' will be posted for any partial block.  




  • And there is no way to turn auto blocking off. Hmm . . . the more that I am programming on the ION the more that this confuses me.

    And would there be any hope of seeing the discreet timing in one of the table views in live? 

  • Don't know what other people think - put just to put my 2cents worth in....

    The only problem with discreet timing in table view in live is that you can assign a discreet time to a whole channel, and also to single parameters.   If this was to be displayed in a table view, you'd need an extra row for each channel to see all the discreet times for each parameter.  While this could be useful, this would mean you would have less channels available to view on screen.

    Personally - I find the discreet timing very useful, but generally it's only used on a single channel in a cue, or on a few channels.  If there are lots of channels that need a different time, I'd be more inclined to make a part cue.

    As I said - this is only my opinion.  Anyone else have their own 2cents they'd like to throw in?


  • Hey guys.  We've discussed a user default that turns auto-block off.  Just haven't gotten to it yet.  Auto-block is a feature that many people don't understand - but it is the system's way of protecting show data that you didn't think to place a block on.  You either love it or it annoys you.

    With regard to discrete timing, we will continue to expose that data via the time key for the forseeable future.   The only planned change is a flexi mode for that display.

    Hope this helps.



  • In my ideal auto-block world, I'd be able to turn off Auto-block for Live, but leave it on for Blind, Copy To, and Move To.  In Live, I'm usually setting a level because it looks right, and am not really paying attention to whether it matches the cue before or after.  If it does, it should track.  This goes for non-intensity parameters as well.  In Blind, I'm usually paying careful attention to how a change tracks, and would want, and indeed take advantage of, the auto-block.  As I write this, I realize that I'd probably want a cue-only command in Live to auto-block as well.  This might be too complex and arcane to actually implement, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


  • I think that a Flexi view would be cool.
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