Sub Wings for ION

I was wondering if it possible to connect more than one sub wing to Ion that are not attached to each other. In other words, if I have 2 2x10 wings, do they have to be connected together in order for them to work? The only reason I ask is because I tried to plug them in when they are not attched, and the console seems to only see one of them. The other continues to have the "Electronic Theatre Controls" in the LCD.

Also, is it ever going to be possible to use the sub wings as cue list playbacks?

  • The short answer to your first question is yes. Now here's the rest of it...

    I can only speak to the current universal fader wing rules... Hopefully, someone else will respond about the cue list playbacks potential.

    So then, here are the rules for using universal fader wings with and Ion.

    There are three governing limitations to understand.

    One of power. - Ion or an external power supply can only power 6 external LCD displays at a time. Meaning a 2x20 counts as 2 LCD's and a 1x20 counts as 1.

    One of USB communication. -The universal fader wings can only handle 3 USB jumps max. Meaning you can connect a max. of 3 wings to each other or to either side of an Ion. It doesn't matter if they are 2x20's or 1x20's. That also means 3 wings to a USB cable.

    One of configuration. (the getting you) -Universal fader wings (right now) can only be attached EITHER by a single USB cable OR directly to the Ion console itself (either or both sides of the console is okay). This is because (as you have found out), the console doesn't know how to recognize the different universal fader wings and know where they are supposed to be mapped when connect via various methods at the same time.

    When connect via the USB cable (up to 3 to each other), the console with simply number them from left to right and can figure out the relative locations to each other.

    When connect directly to the console, it again can figure out the relative position of each unit to the others to number them.

    When fader wings are connected via 2 or more USB cables, it doesn't know the relationship... nor two other wings connected directly to the console.

    There will need to be a configuration utility (something similar to the way you configure monitor positions on the console) for the universal fader wings. I'm not sure when this is planned for release but it doesn't sound like it will be with the next release yet.

    This is not in the current user manuals as we weren't aware of the rules at the time of it's writing. They are being added to the Universal Fader Wing Setup Guide rev B which is due out soon.

    I'm sorry that this doesn't solve your immediate problem, but at least you now know the rules you need to play by.

     -Steve Traut

    ETC Technical Communications Supervisor


  • In 1.4, you can use the wings for cue lists.  The page configuration will be the same as the fader configuration utility.  More to follow on this as we get closer to release.



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