Touch Screen Error message

Hey, has anybody else had problems on start up with the touch screens? I keep getting a message on start-up saying I need to calibrate the touch screens, then EOS loads over top and I can't get to the error message, even when I choose to shut down just EOS. This error happens every second start-up it seems and I have to restart the system to get touch screen control back because it won't respond to finger commands. It hasn't done it twice in a row yet.



  • This has happened to me to. Once I couldn't get it to go away no matter how many times I restarted until I completely powered off the console using the switch on the back and then powered up. But yeah, random and not repeatable.
  • I see this once in a while. My EOS console training guy mentioned (The problem had the good grace to occur while he was here to see it - that never happens!) that it was probably due to a USB  error. When it happens, I just power off the console from the browser, and restart. It's never persisted through more than two reboots.

    The only USB peripheral normally plugged in to the console is the RFR receiver. I wonder if there's any correlation between number/type of connected USB devices and the likelihood of this error happening?

  • I see this once in a while. My EOS console training guy mentioned (The problem had the good grace to occur while he was here to see it - that never happens!) that it was probably due to a USB  error. When it happens, I just power off the console from the browser, and restart. It's never persisted through more than two reboots.

    The only USB peripheral normally plugged in to the console is the RFR receiver. I wonder if there's any correlation between number/type of connected USB devices and the likelihood of this error happening?

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