Can Eos Nomad receive show control (MIDI/OSC) from Software on same Mac/PC?


Can't find this topic elsewhere on the forum or on ETC Wiki, apologies if I've missed it.

I'm looking at  buying a Nomad dongle for small rural-touring production with a Mac running QLab. This would only work if I can trigger Nomad from QLab cues on the same Mac. I've read that Nomad can receive MIDI from external devices but I am unclear whether it can see MIDI devices on the same machine.

I've downloaded the offline editor but cannot get QLab to 'see' it. Does the Nomad license unlock this feature? Failing that, are there any alternative protocols that could be used (OSC/AppleScript)?



  • Hi Ed Did you figure this out? I haven't had a chance to work through the suggestions here yet. I'm in exactly the same position, and really hoping this is possible! Apparently OSC control is coming to the EOS nomad software in v2.3, but ETC haven given a release date and I fear it may be too late for my show!
  • Hi Ed Did you figure this out? I haven't had a chance to work through the suggestions here yet. I'm in exactly the same position, and really hoping this is possible! Apparently OSC control is coming to the EOS nomad software in v2.3, but ETC haven given a release date and I fear it may be too late for my show!
  • Hi - the link from sstaub works fine for controlling QLab from Nomad over UDP as long as your mac has an IP address. If there's no network available you can create an ad-hoc network on the mac. This seems a bit silly so I've tried playing with the reserved loop-back IP addresses ( - but haven't got this to work yet.
  • I'm not a Mac person, but under Windows you have to install and enable the "Loop-Back Adapter" driver in order to enable the localhost in the absence of an actual network.
    I expect there will be an equivalent under OSX.

    UDP and OSC both require a network as they are network protocols.
