Wiki type of Manual


 Might it be possible to create an online Wiki type of manual where users could annotate and post to a common, shared manual?

 I understand this would add yet another task for the EOS/ION team to manage and moderate, but the result would be a rich and detailed set of instructions and experience available to any registered user.

 After reading the entire manual and still not being able to find procedures and information I would appreciate this sort of resource.  Perhaps this is more relevant for new users but that is the point.  

  • Hi Eugene...

     Yes, it's possible and we've even thought about that kind of thing a bit. Perhaps we just don't know enough about how to get there from where we are now, as it seems like it would be a huge undertaking. We currently author in FrameMaker as that gives the best ability to generate large complex documents with cross-referenced links and so on. The requirement that many companies/sites have of a printed document won't let us leave this primary source right now. How to get that content into the form of a Wiki is what challenges me.

     I've also been looking at some other software that would allow user comments to shared with other users via a help system or web-based documentation.

    The short-term piece of information would be if any of our forum readers out there know of some good tools to help convert content into generic wiki formatting. The actual wiki side of things is actually easier.

    In the meantime, I would encourage you to email me directly (straut at, or our dept. email of: techcomm at about what other procedures and information you couldn't find or think needs to be added. We are working on updates for v1.4 right now and it would be an excellent time to try and incorporate your suggestions. I make no promises about getting to everything, but I'd like to hear what you have to say.

    Thanks for the comment and I hope to hear more from you soon!

  • I agree with Eugene that a wiki type manual would be a GREAT...a HUGE timesaver and a wonderful resource!  But I can sympathize with Steve as it would be a monumental undertaking.

     Here is hoping that something like this can be worked out.  Thanks!


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