The Coloram power supplies can be configured to control all the fans with one channel or each fan with its own channel. From the manual:
DMXF OFF - DMX fan control channel. This enables or disables the lighting console fan
speed control. This can be OFF (do not control the fans via a DMX channel), ONE
(select one DMX channel to control all the color changer fans connected to that power
supply) or BLK (select a BLOCK of DMX channels - one DMX channel for each channel
of the power supply (12 channels for a 300 Watt).
If you use BLOCK, do not mix single-channel Coloram IIs and multi-channel products
(such as CXI color changers). Also, if the CXIs or any other multi-channel components
are used, they must all be configured to use the same number of DMX channels.
If you want to use the one channel for all option, use the "ColoRam 2" type, not "ColoRam 2 Fan." There's a separate fixture type for Fan that you can use four your single control channel.
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I have an older software version in my CRII brains and do not have the options for fan control. Also, I spoke with Wybron specifically about this and was told that the "block" function does assign a DMX address for fan control to each scroller, but it does so in a BLOCK, meaning that they are not attached to the scrollers' DMX address in the way that EOS/ION wants to. I worked around the issue by patching the first 11 scrollers in each of my 12-way brains as ColoRam 2 and the last device as ColoRam 2 with Fan Control. As it turns out the designer never used the fan control channel after specifically requesting that I set the console up to utilize it. What are you going to do.....
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I have an older software version in my CRII brains and do not have the options for fan control. Also, I spoke with Wybron specifically about this and was told that the "block" function does assign a DMX address for fan control to each scroller, but it does so in a BLOCK, meaning that they are not attached to the scrollers' DMX address in the way that EOS/ION wants to. I worked around the issue by patching the first 11 scrollers in each of my 12-way brains as ColoRam 2 and the last device as ColoRam 2 with Fan Control. As it turns out the designer never used the fan control channel after specifically requesting that I set the console up to utilize it. What are you going to do.....