Dwell in step based effects

Ion - vers -
I created a step based effect. I want to roll from step to step. It's just a change in cyc colors. I'm having difficulty with dwell. I want to fade into a step, hold for a couple secs , then fade into the next step. I never want to dip to black. I set my step time to say 3 secs. Do the same with in, dwell, and decay time. It seems that no matter what I adjust any of my times to I cannot get the steps to dwell before fading out and fading in to the next step. My on state is intensity palettes because I need to create colors with sky cycs. What am I doing wrong?

I apologize if this repeats a previous post.


Parents Reply Children
  • Nick, I had the same thought when trying to figure this out. I've tried increasing the step time to match the sum of say the in, dwell, and out time and it still does not hold onto any steps before going to the next.
  • If you want the effect to hold before doing the next fade the step time needs to be the dwell time plus the in/out time.   The Effect shown has the lights fading from red to blue and holding in each color for 1 second.  The crossfade takes 1 second because it is both the up and the down time happening at the same time.  In this case the off part of the effect does not matter as show by using an intensity of 0.. the off state is important if you have a gap between the timing because that is what the channels that are not in the on state will go to.

    I hope this helps
