Shutdown Glitch


I'm currently touring with an Ion.  When I go to shut down the console at the end of the night, I goto Q 0, then [power off console] from the browser.  When the console powers off, I occasionally get a few lamps that magically turn on.  I have encountered this problem in a couple of venues now.  Short of unplugging the DMX as the console shuts down, does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this?


  • Hi Brent, we haven't seen this here, but we'll try to reproduce it and get back to you. It would be helpful to know if you also see it when you [Exit] from the browser, and then shutdown from the welcome screen. 
  • No worries Dan.  i'll try shutting down from welcome screen to see if that makes a difference.  I'll give it a few days before getting back to you as the problem doesn't happen consistantly


  • FWIW, I've had the same issue many times with different Expression3s.  I either just wait for the CEM's "hold last look" to time out; or turn the board back on, then off.  It seldom happens the second time.  I think it's just gremlins in the DMX stream.
  • Brent,

    We have two spaces with Eos consoles and Sensor dimmers.  One of the spaces has experienced the same issue through several Strand boards and several ETC boards.  It doesn't happen every time, but quite often.  Usually it is just one entirely random light.  We just walk away knowing that it will go away when the DMX times out. 

    Are you using House racks or Road racks?

    Surely, we are not the only three places that experience this.  It seems harmless but still interesting.  Derek, I assume you are referring the Sensor racks as well?


    Tennessee Performing Arts Center

  • Brent,

    We have two spaces with Eos consoles and Sensor dimmers.  One of the spaces has experienced the same issue through several Strand boards and several ETC boards.  It doesn't happen every time, but quite often.  Usually it is just one entirely random light.  We just walk away knowing that it will go away when the DMX times out. 

    Are you using House racks or Road racks?

    Surely, we are not the only three places that experience this.  It seems harmless but still interesting.  Derek, I assume you are referring the Sensor racks as well?


    Tennessee Performing Arts Center

  • I have this problem often in my space when turning off an Express 48/96 with a single SR48 Sensor with CEM. The main problem is that when it holds those one or two dimmers on, it is infinite and not the 5 minutes the rack is set to hold a look when DMX is lost.
  • In the past I've encountered this kind of problem no end of times when we were using Virtuoso DX - every time we turned the console off it was likely that one or more lights in the rig would turn on. It seemed to be most prevelant with Strand LD 90 dimmers, but I remember one theatre with Strand EC90 dimmers where it would happen every single time the DX was turned off. I've also seen the problem with Strand dimmers by just unplugging a DMX cable from a live console - so my guess is it is more of DMX receiver issue than a console specific issue.
  • People! This has been around as long as we have had DMX. Every console does it and it just depends on the distribution gear you have and whether or not it will hold the "glitch". I call it the DMX death gasp. The way it was explained to me from people far smarter than I, it has to do with there not being any sexy way to stop the dmx message, so inevitably sometimes a message shoots out garbled from your console when it stops sending, thus making a random set of channels go to weird levels.
  • Jason is correct.  DMX is being sent all the time which means that anything that interrupts this activity can cause dimmers to glitch. With the addition of "Last Look Hold" features in newer dimmer racks (since Sensor as far as ETC goes) these glitches get latched  and held until the timer lets them go.

    When consoles are powered down there is a brief amount of time where the DMX is still being transmitted yet the power supply is running down.  This may corrupt part of a DMX packet which is recieved and then latched by the racks.

    There are ways to resolve this but some solutions involve adding components on the DMX output which I'm not quite in favor of for the sake of reliability.

    There you have it.  Sorry it's not a better answer.  Some racks and consoles do it more than others and you may nede to make a concious decision betwwen the amount of Hold Time versus power down glitches at the end of the day.


  • Fair enough. This is my first time I've spent any serious amount of time with an ETC console. The consoles I've previously operated / toured in the past have very rarely experienced this problem - maybe once or twice on a 32 venue / 150 performance tour.

    Unfortunatly, I don't always have the luxury of being able to adjust the "hold time" on dimmers as the venues we tour to may not want to change it specifically for our show, as they are just going to have to go and change it back.  

    Just putting the idea out there - is there a way of making this neater on the console end so this problem doesn't occur, or is this just a part of life that I have to get use to.

     Thanks to all for their input and info!


  • I never saw that behavior with my Obsession 600, but now with the IONs it is every shutdown.  There are no channels up, DMX is totally empty, but it flashes a random channel on shutdown.  In our smaller space, that means the Sensor dimmers hold that information for 5 minutes.  In the larger, the IPS merely flash and then go dark.  The channel is completely random, always at full.  Sometimes it is a very saturated and powerful instrument and I have to reboot the board and then shut it down again so the color doesn't burn.
  • I've had an Ion in our space for over 3 yrs now [we got one of the first ones off the shelves], and have had this problem since day one. We've just put it as part of our shut-down process to unplug the DMX from the board before fully shutting down.

    We've tried everything to get around it, including installing all the updates. It just seems like one of those facts of life that boards run into in general.

  • Have you considered using one of these I think it would solve the problem by making sure that DMX was fed to the racks. If not you can have a "blackout" recorded into it. The other option would be to find an old ETC "reflection". I found one on ebay for $40 that still works great. more or less works about the same but it also has faders. 


    [edited by: rhdgs at 5:24 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Apr 8 2010]
  • We may have solved it.  Download 2.0 and install the I/O firmware to see if it takes care of it.  let us know.


    [edited by: dnorth at 4:58 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Apr 2 2013]
  • I can report I still get the DMX death gasp with this and a net3 gateway. 

  • Hi,

    Are you sending DMX from an Ion/Gio or from a Net3 GW?  If from a console, can you please tell me what version firmware is in your I/O card?

    Let me know,


  • We are now sending from the net3 GW. 

  • Hi Brendan,

    In our testing of this issue, we have found that with current software, the DMX "Death Gasp" can be avoided following the end of the Hold Last Look time if the following conditions are met:

    - The port must have Data Loss Port Disable checked in its setup in Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE).
       This setting tells the gateway to shut off the DMX port when there are no sources on the network.

    - There must be no other source for sACN in that universe on the network.
        Arch outputs of zero in the universe will keep the port outputting.

    - The port must not be configured to Hold Last Look Forever.
       Otherwise the port will never stop outputting.

    - The gateway must stay powered through the end of the Hold Last Look.  (This could be especially challenging if it is powered via PoE from an Eos, Gio, or Ti that is powering off as well)
       If the gateway loses power before being told to properly end the DMX stream, unpredictable DMX can be experienced.

    - The cable must stay connected to the gateway through the end of the Hold Last Look.
       If the cable is unplugged in the middle of a DMX stream, it is possible for partial packets to be interpreted incorrectly by the listening devices

    Also, a note about the I/O firmware upgrade for Eos Family consoles: This is an opt-in upgrade process. The firmware for I/O cards in Eos Family consoles is not upgraded automatically.  Detailed instructions for how to upgrade the I/O card firmware can be found on page 6 of the Eos Family 2.0.0 Software Release Note.



  • Hi Kirk,

    I will will play some more with this.  Part of the issue maybe that the Booth Gateway is in a rack with our RPU.  It gets powered down once the RPU shuts off.  So, we are not waiting until the end of Hold Last Look (HLL).  Plus, our dimmers had HLL set at 180 as our old OBS2 desk did not have this feature.  Now, with the gateway, I have set the dimmers to 1 sec to allow the gateway to deal with HLL.  We also still have our DMX splitters that can also do HLL, so lots of options when it comes to HLL.  Just need to find the perfect settings.


