Use [Recall From] to pull data into a selected channel from another channel?

I often wonder about this but keep forgetting to ask...

I have channel(s) selected, and would like to pull data into those channel(s) from another fixture. In this situation I keep going for [Recall From] as it seems natural / logical - however the command line won't let me specify another channel as the source, so I end up using [Copy To] instead.

The downside of [Copy To] in this situation is that it forces you to change your channel selection from those channel(s) you're working on to the channel you want to be the source of the data, and then back to the original selection to carry on modifying other attributes. It feels a bit clunky each time and slows me down; it'd be much slicker to be able to pull data directly into selected channel(s) from another channel.

Does that make any sense? And have I missed something here? It has been a while, but I'm reasonably certain that Selective Recall on the Virtuoso, for example, allows you to recall data into a selected channel from either the same channel in a different cue, or from a different channel. This is kind of why I keep going for [Recall From] and end up searching for the non-existant [Chan] button!

[edited by: David Buffham at 1:29 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, May 04 2008]
  • David, it is on our list to make Recall From "less restrictive."  By which - I mean that it'll follow all of the rules of Copy to... only in the other direction.

     There WAS a rationale to our original implementation of  Recall From....  which turned out to be less valid than we thought.  So I won't bother to explain it.  So it goes!

    Look for this change soon.

