I've been useing the eos for six month and am tired of having to constantly go through and clear out soft blocks, because my L.D. is trying to track things while working in cue only. The manuel says that I should be able to turn off the auto-block in the setup menue, but I am unable to find that option. I've tried to use the utilities option in the browser, but that doesn't seem to do anything either. Is there something that I am missing?
I was also wondering why no matter what I set my plus or minus percent button to, the command line always reads "plus_10" or "minus_10", instead of just a %?
Finally, when setting one of my direct selects to "Channels" I discovered that the channels that I select remain selected. Even after m hit an intensity palette button or type in a percentage and hit enter. It would be great if in some future release you could select channels from a direct select and have them behaved the same way groups do.