I tried to usethe direct selects for calling up channels and ran into a bit of a issue, and I was wondering if it is suppose to be acting this way or not. When I select groups from the direct selects, they are de-selected as soon as I make another group selection, after I've assigned the original group a %.( So I select Group 1 and give it an intensity value. Group 1 is then de-selected when I select Group 2.) But that is not how the channels direct selects act. When I select a channel and give it a value(i.e 1@ 50%) it remains selected even once I make another selection. So when I select 2 and give it a %, channel 1 is still on the command line and gets the % I gave to channle 2. It does the same thing when I've selected a channel and given it a % and then try to select a group to give another % to. (e.g. channel 1 @ 50% enter. then I select group 2 to go to 25%, but instead of just group 2, the command line reads chan 1+Group 2) It would be great if in a later version of the software if the direct selects for the channels worked the same way as they so for the groups.