Windows 10 and USB Gadget


Is there a compatability issue with Windows 10 and the USB Gadget?

Have just purchased Nomad with the gadget and installed on a laptop purchased solely to run Nomad, but cannot get any DMX output.

Windows is saying there is no available driver for the AVAB CONGO I/O Interface.

Have tried updating all ETC software using the UpdaterAtor downloaded from ETCs website but no success.

Any suggestions??

  • So I think what is happening is that the InstallShield Version that the driver package was built with doesn't support Windows 10 fully. I confirmed that I the drivers didn't show up for me by installing the 2.3.2 Nomad version on my Windows 10 VM. I then took the driver installer package as built by our new version of InstallShield and the driver seemed to push into the system as expected. This is something that we will address in a future release.

    In the mean time, as jpgagnon mentions you should be able to manually install the device driver through device manager from the Program Files\ETC\HighSpeed_Pipeline_Drivers location. If you need assistance with this process, please don't hesitate to reach out. We have an installer package that we could potentially make available as well to see if the new installer package would work for you.
  • I have a similar issue. I have a new laptop with Windows10 I have installed Nomad but it is not recognising my Gadgets when they are connected. The gadgets work fine on my (slightly) older laptop PC which also runs Windows 10.

    The new laptop is an HP Pavilion with AMD processors. The older is a DELL with Intel.

    On my HP I have C:\Program Files (x86)\ETC\HighSpeed_Pipeline_Drivers so maybe I can install it manually as suggested in the comments above but I don't know how. Could someone provide a bit of instruction please.
  • I have a similar issue. I have a new laptop with Windows10 I have installed Nomad but it is not recognising my Gadgets when they are connected. The gadgets work fine on my (slightly) older laptop PC which also runs Windows 10.

    The new laptop is an HP Pavilion with AMD processors. The older is a DELL with Intel.

    On my HP I have C:\Program Files (x86)\ETC\HighSpeed_Pipeline_Drivers so maybe I can install it manually as suggested in the comments above but I don't know how. Could someone provide a bit of instruction please.
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