Using MIDI with Element

Hi All, I am trying to use a USB to MIDI device to control my ETC Element board. I really just want it to advance cues from the computer. I am trying to use the QLAB 2 software. I'm pretty sure that I have everything hooked up properly, but my board doesn't seem to be receiving any commands. As near as I can tell, the computer is sending the command, but nothing happens. Any ideas?

  • midi has about 20 different flavours. so you want to make sure you're using the correct one. for what you're describing the best would probably be MSC (midi show control). make sure thatßs what you're sending with qlab.
    in your element in show settings, make sure that you have the receiving of MSC activated.

    try that and report back if it works.

    ps: an error that happens more often than most people would like to confess is that the connect the wrong MIDI connector to the console. usually they are labelled with "To In", but sometimes the correct connector would also be labelled "Out". and of course you want to use the In socket at the console
  • Yes, I read about that, and yes, I did have them incorrectly at first. However, even with changing them it doesn't seem to work.

    1) I activated the receiving of MSC on my Element board
    2) I tried the cables both ways.

    Still doesn't do anything.
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