Magic Sheet How to? (advanced I think)

Hi, what I'm trying to do is have a button on a magic sheet that will allow the selected channels to be recalled from the channel I next select on the MS. the equivalent of "1 thru 20 recall from 1 enter". The issue is after the "recall from"  touching or clicking on the Magic sheet channel 1 only wants to de-select ch.1.(because it was included in the original selection) I can't, so far, think of a macro wording that will allow this. 

Anyone any thoughts?

I'd love to put my show file here but can't see how so there are some screen shots below.

Running on Ion 2.3.3 for now but I'm liking what I'm seeing in 2.4!

I'm switching between screen setups using background macros to go to a new pre-recorded snapshot. If there is a less brutal way of doing this I'd love to hear it but this works.
