Streamlining Multiple Cuelists in a Live Programming Atmosphere (Ion)


I am using Ion in a live music programming atmosphere.  I have played a bit with multiple cuelists on my fader wing in an LTP environment, but I am having trouble really streamlining my interface the way I would on a hog or other board, using my GO buttons as toggles for effects, positions, and colors.

The root of my problems is coming up with an easy way to OFF the output of a secondary playback fader, and allowing the channels to return to their values in my main fader.

I find that if I keep just one cue in each list, hitting the BACK button from Q1 does the same as OFFing the fader.  Only problem is, whichever values were captured by that cue return to their HOME values, instead of their previous values.  For example, I have a cue in its own playback fader.  When I hit GO on that fader, the cue takes my upstage MLs, points them at the audience, and puts them in a searchlight-style Focus effect.  When I hit BACK on that fader, those moving lights return to their 50/50 home values instead of to their to their previous positions onstage.

On the Hog, I would use PERSIST ON OVERRIDE on my main cuelist to ensure that those values wouldn't get stomped by other cuelists.

Does anybody have any advice or input?  Do I need to create Q2 with a macro on it?

Also, is there a way to change the function of the fader itself?  Perhaps to use it as a manual timing override or an intensity master?


Ethan Kaplan

Ion v1.4.1

[edited by: litedesign at 2:59 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jul 06 2008]
  • Ethan, if you release a fader (Release and Load), the cue list will be removed from the playback and values returned to the master fader.  In 1.4.2 (due early August), using Off / Release will return control to the master, but leave the cue list loaded.   I think that's actually the behavior that will help you out.  

    Hope this helps ... well, at least with information .... :-)


  • Ethan, if you release a fader (Release and Load), the cue list will be removed from the playback and values returned to the master fader.  In 1.4.2 (due early August), using Off / Release will return control to the master, but leave the cue list loaded.   I think that's actually the behavior that will help you out.  

    Hope this helps ... well, at least with information .... :-)


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