Fixture Problem: Chauvet Colordash par quad 18


We have recently started using 6 Chauvet Colordash par quad 18 fixtures, and we have been encountering issues with accurate colour representation.

I am not too fussed about it being accurate in relation to other lights (I know that is difficult to do) but the primary issue is that the selected colours are nothing like the outputted colours (whites are saturated pink, or blue depending on the temperature, blues are purple etc.) and this has unfortunately limited my ability to use those lights, except as accents where highly saturated colours tend to be used. The lights are however used in a theatre so generally I am more working with whites or less saturated colours, but that is where I am having the issues!

I am not very skilled with fixture profiles, so I was just wondering is this an issue that can be solved, or will I just have to make do?

If this is relevant I am using an ETC element 40ch board and the Chauvet Colordash par quad 18 fixtures are in 4ch Mode.

Thanks in advance,


Changed my specs to include what mode the pars were in
[edited by: mattysmith22 at 3:20 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 10 2017]
  • I have checked all of the ideas, and unfortunately none of ideas work. Both of the fixture profiles have the same issue - both have the same pink hue that makes me think that neither of them are colour profiled

    I patched all 4 channels of the light onto 4 dimmer channels, and at 100 they all have the same pink hue. This further makes me think that the light doesn't have colour profiles.

    I have no idea on how to do this from here - what should I do next?

    Many Thanks,

    Matthew Smith
  • I have checked all of the ideas, and unfortunately none of ideas work. Both of the fixture profiles have the same issue - both have the same pink hue that makes me think that neither of them are colour profiled

    I patched all 4 channels of the light onto 4 dimmer channels, and at 100 they all have the same pink hue. This further makes me think that the light doesn't have colour profiles.

    I have no idea on how to do this from here - what should I do next?

    Many Thanks,

    Matthew Smith
  • Thanks - the "Patched as dimmers" proves that this is a "feature" of the fixture itself.
    - It simply is that pink at maximum brightness (all emitters at full).

    Unfortunately the vast majority of LED luminaires give a Pink or Blue hue with RGB(A) @ Full.
    - In some cases it is very pink or blue, that is usually because the fixture was designed for maximum brightness, not a useful white!

    While ETC consoles have a very advanced colour control system that is able to correct for this, it is only possible if:

    1. We have measured the colour output of a median-sample of the fixture type.
    2. The fixture's colour output is sufficiently consistent between batches.

    - If the fixture manufacturer doesn't tightly control the colour output between batches, very few batches of fixtures will give good results.
    Eg the light you already own will be good, the light you buy tomorrow may not.

    Colour measurement has to be done at one of our factories, as the measurement apparatus is quite large and complex.

    If you would like us to measure your fixtures, then you can contact your local ETC Tech Service to arrange it. You would need to ship a pair of sample fixtures to us, we will then measure them and update the data in the fixture database.

    That said, as these have already been measured before, it is possible that this fixture is simply not manufactured to tight enough tolerances for the colour measurement to be worthwhile.

    In the meantime, I would highly recommend recording a "White" Color Palette for these, and perhaps using that as the Home Preset.

  • Thanks Richard,

    Unfortunately due to the nature of the position that the lights are in, it is impossible for me to take down the lights and send them in for calibration. We will talk to the company that carried out the installation to see if they can replace them with another set of pars that doesn't have the colour shift issue.

    Thank you for the tip with the colour palette, I will do that next time I am there.

    Thank you both for your help,

    Matthew Smith