Ion 2.2.1 software and firmware

Dear all, I'm working in a theatre with an Ion console+Wing with software version

I want to update it to the latest software version but I'm wondering if I might have problems with the face panel firmware...Has anyone had problems with something similar? I checked the manual for the firmware update but I'm not sure where to get the update from. Can I download it from ETC's site? I can't find it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Do I need to be on a network to get the firmware update? I'm quite you can tell :'(

Thank you all in advance! :))



  • just download 2.5.1 and install it. the installer will also put the newest firmware files on the consoles harddisk. it will not install the firmware by itself, that's something you will have to do, but the installer puts the files on your console.

    some notes regarding the software update:
    - you're doing about 3 years of updates in one step. you should prepare and read all the release notes in between (at least 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
    - before updating, save your showfile. it's save if it's on the harddisk, but any changes you made but not recorded to the hard drive yet will be lost
    - don't forget you have to update all the consoles and offline editors and nomads that connect together. they will not talk to each other if they have a different software version
    - if you are using the RFR remote control (not the app, but the metal block remote control) you should wait for version 2.5.2 will should be released very soon
    - if you use stuff that depends on the keyboard hotkeys like xkeys, you need to be aware that most of them changed in 2.3 and you would have to re-do your xkeys layout.
  • just download 2.5.1 and install it. the installer will also put the newest firmware files on the consoles harddisk. it will not install the firmware by itself, that's something you will have to do, but the installer puts the files on your console.

    some notes regarding the software update:
    - you're doing about 3 years of updates in one step. you should prepare and read all the release notes in between (at least 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
    - before updating, save your showfile. it's save if it's on the harddisk, but any changes you made but not recorded to the hard drive yet will be lost
    - don't forget you have to update all the consoles and offline editors and nomads that connect together. they will not talk to each other if they have a different software version
    - if you are using the RFR remote control (not the app, but the metal block remote control) you should wait for version 2.5.2 will should be released very soon
    - if you use stuff that depends on the keyboard hotkeys like xkeys, you need to be aware that most of them changed in 2.3 and you would have to re-do your xkeys layout.