how do you make a Blank cue that does not affect the values of the previous cue So I can trigger an AV effect in cue list 2?

The trigger part is easy via the ext link field and works. However I have the need to have cue list 2 triggered not only in some cue list 1 cues but also separately  to any lighting changes in list 1

So I need a way to 'hold' the ext link data in a cue in list 1 but without having any other channel dat present In that cue or I will end up having to duplicate the LX cues which is ridiculous

Tried releasing all channels but then I lose al the output ...... Tried using make null also but this is unreliable as it seems to work once and then I lose all he out out again

This must a be a standard requirement surely ? The second cue list is driving a video subsystem via dmx

Any ideas ?



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