Magic Sheet Not Displaying Running Effects On All Fixtures

Hi All,

On a couple of occasions now I have added "Color" and "Focus" displays to fixtures on Magic Sheet.  Seemingly randomly, some fixtures will proceed to correctly display color palettes, running effects, etc, however, some fixtures will not.  Instead, those fixtures just display the little "+" sign.  This randomly happens across fixtures of the same type, and it also happens weather fixtures are dragged straight in from the browser or duplicated from existing fixtures.  I have tried changing the size of the fixtures, the font sizes, and the font positions, but I can't seem to figure out what causes the unhappy displays.

In the attached picture, all of the moving lights are running effect 21.2, but only one of the fixtures is actually displaying the effect number.

Thanks for any insight!



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  • ...continuing from my previous post.  Attached are two images of the Magic Sheet and Live Table while running intensity(1.1), focus(11.1), and color effects(21.1).  The Technobeams (301-304) display everything as expected.  The Studio Spots (311-315) display the intensity and color effects as expected, but not the focus effect.  The GLPs are display the intensity effect as expected, while not displaying the focus effect at all, and only displaying the color effect on one fixture (Chn 331).

  • After some more experimentation, it appears that if an effect is not applied to all parameters within each category visible in the Live Table  (i.e., all color, all focus, etc), then is doesn't display on the magic sheet.  In the attached picture, I placed a VL3k (Chn 431) and Mac Viper (Chn 432).  The intensity effect (1.1) displays on both fixtures.  However, the VL3k doesn't display the focus effect (11.1), because the 2 @ Position MSpeed categories are not included in the effect.   However, the Mac Viper (Chn 432) does display the focus effect since it only has Pan/Tilt.  Neither fixture displays the color effect (918), since both have additional color properties not included in the effect.   So that brings up the question, is it possible to make the effect include all the properties?  On an absolute effect pulling from a color palette, I would guess that the color palette could be recorded with all color information selected, instead of just the individual color filters.  But what of focus effects that only have Pan/Tilt?


  • you basically figured it out yourself. sometimes parameters are not in effects, and the reason for that is that they are not suppoed to be affected by the effect. so if you take a focus effect and add Position MSpeed to the list of the effect parameters then the speed channel is also controlled by the effect, which you don't want...
    magic sheets (just like Live Summary View aka tombstones) are supposed to tell you the truth. sometimes it has to be shortened for space reasons but it can never lie. so haveing an Effect number displayed when not all the parameters are in that effect would be a lie.