possible bug: Intensity does not affect UV

 Hi all,


Yesterday we used the EOS sotware first time in a live show. We have 3 Hexcolor-Washers (ADJ 5p HEX), 4 Bars (ADJ utra hexbar 12) and 4 Yilong Moving Washers (labeled by Empire). All have RGBAWV color mixing. While the other colors work like a charm, the (Ultra-)Violett does not respond to the virtual intensity parameter. Which is quite annoying as chases wont work for colors that have UV-component. I think it is configurable anywhere which colors are modified by the virtual intensity but i didnt find the setting.

As this comes out of the box for the library ADJs, I'd also suggest someone look into it for a possible bug.

Best regards,



Parents Reply
  • There is another bug with the UV parameter so this may get fixed when that does. The development team are just wrapping up 2.6 so hopefully they will see this in the next week.

    If needed there are a couple of work arounds.
    The 7 address fixture should work because it's not using the virtual intensity.
    The other options is to copy and edit the fixture and change the parameter from UV to Indigo. This fixes the other bug with UV.