Using Universe 2 on a Gio


I understand the syntax for addressing fixtures to other universes on a Gio, but is there any way to then access these fixtures to output? Or how does one effectively use them?

If, for example, I set up our new desk to have all our generics on Universe 1, and then place the LEDs and movers on universe 2, what would I be expecting to type in the command line to bring up the light associated with Universe 2 channel 1?


Can't seem to find anything relating to this!





  • Misha,


    You patch addresses to channels and control the channels.  Channel 1 doesn't care what universe it is outputting on just that it is channel 1.  If you channel your dimmers to channel 1 through 400 and then start your LEDs at channel 501 you just have to select the channels and they will output to whatever universe they are patched to.


    I hope this answers your question.



  • Misha,


    You patch addresses to channels and control the channels.  Channel 1 doesn't care what universe it is outputting on just that it is channel 1.  If you channel your dimmers to channel 1 through 400 and then start your LEDs at channel 501 you just have to select the channels and they will output to whatever universe they are patched to.


    I hope this answers your question.



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