convert 2 8 bit dmx values to one 16 bit dmx value?

Hi There, What is the quickest way to convert two 8 bit DMX values, one high and one low, to one 16 bit dmx value? I've tried all kinds of math equations but can't quite get it. I'm looking at the Arri Skypanel gel spread sheet and they give you 2 8 bit dmx values for 16 bit color, I'd like to just input the 16 bit dmx value quickly. Thanks!


Parents Reply
  • Are you using an existing personality or have you made your own?

    Looking at the EOS personality for Skypanel S120 C Mode 14 (16 bit RGBW), it has two 8 bit channels for each color (Red is Red coarse, Red2 is Red fine). So using this personality, you can only enter the 2 8 bit values for each color- there is no way to enter a 16-bit value.

    If you use the personality for Mode 9, then it allows a 16-bit value for each RGBW parameter.

    or if I have 163/255 high and 138/255 low how do I make it x/65535?

    That would be (163*256)+138 = 41866
