RVI on Element without Mirror Mode

I am currently working on a show at a theater that recently purchased an Element and a Net3 RVI.  I am hoping to put the RVI in the house so that I can leave the console set up in the booth.  However, the RVI seems to be stuck in Mirror Mode.  The Stop Mirroring button doesn't appear in the configuration menu, and my macro to stop mirroring seems to work but doesn't actually restore control.

Did I miss something?  Is the Element capable of using an RVI outside of Mirror Mode?  I'd like to avoid having to bring in my Nomad system just so that I can program from the house.

- Jesse

  • The Element is severely limited in multi system use. Monday (at least) someone will chime in with details, but I think you're out of luck.
  • if you're working with version 2.6 you can actually do everything regarding multiconsole operations with an element that you can with every other eos-family console, except connect the element to something not in element mode.

    you should check if when going to the shell, the RVI offers you a Client button? if you start as Client, can you connect? if not, try exiting to the shell, going to setup>maintenance and see if there is a button to change the RVI over to element mode
  • Both the console and the RVI are running 2.6.2. The RVI only has a Client button in the shell and is set to Element mode, and the RVI has absolutely no problem connecting with the console. It connects immediately and always in Mirror Mode. I have connected to the system with my laptop using a Nomad dongle and am able to exit Mirror Mode without any problems on it, I'm just not able to do so on the RVI.

    My suspicion is that it is not possible, which is a bit of a bummer since the RVI was purchased specifically for this capability.

    - Jesse
  • Both the console and the RVI are running 2.6.2. The RVI only has a Client button in the shell and is set to Element mode, and the RVI has absolutely no problem connecting with the console. It connects immediately and always in Mirror Mode. I have connected to the system with my laptop using a Nomad dongle and am able to exit Mirror Mode without any problems on it, I'm just not able to do so on the RVI.

    My suspicion is that it is not possible, which is a bit of a bummer since the RVI was purchased specifically for this capability.

    - Jesse
  • Hi Jesse:

    As Ueli said, you can do anything for Multiconsole on an Element that you could on the other desks, so long as the connecting device is in Element mode.
    If you are still unable to go out of Mirror it is possible your RVI has lost contact with the dongle programmed in it for Client. Can you please give your local technical support a call to troubleshoot at your convenience?

    Thank you,