Auto-marking a single fixture

In the fixture profile is there any way to disable Auto-marking for a single fixture?

For example, in a show with LED's, movers, and DMX Winches. I want to be able to auto-mark movers and LED's but not the DMX winches. 


Running EOS Ion v2.6.2



  • no. if it happens a lot during a show i would suggest using two cuelists, one that gets automarked and the other that doesn't (i.e. disable automark for all cues). you can then have the console execute the two cuelists simultaneously (Cue 1/ Execute Cue 2/). to make it simpler to record the right channels into the right cuelist you could use cuelist partitions
  • no. if it happens a lot during a show i would suggest using two cuelists, one that gets automarked and the other that doesn't (i.e. disable automark for all cues). you can then have the console execute the two cuelists simultaneously (Cue 1/ Execute Cue 2/). to make it simpler to record the right channels into the right cuelist you could use cuelist partitions
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